Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Angela's Workout Secrets Revealed

Summer usually means going to the beach or simply hanging out somewhere where there's a pool. I believe that this season needs preparation, lots of it actually.

I would like to introduce you to my friend Angela who is a model and an actress. She is also one of my good and supportive clients and I'm here to tell you about her workout regimen.
Here's a sample one- week program I designed for Angela:

Monday: 45 MINUTES
30 minutes on the treadmill: constant change up every 2-3 minutes---lunges, running, jogging, walking, side lunges (Talking about interval training at its best) 15 minutes: constant timed intervals focusing on the whole body using resistance bands, body bar and swiss ball (Angela does not like using machines)

Interval Shadow boxing with hand weights 6- 8 rounds of mitt work 5 minutes full body plyometrics 2 rounds interval jump ropes Intense full abdominal work: 50- 100 repetitions per exercise (10 exercises)

Wednesday: 20 MINUTES
Swimming day: 10 laps freestyle, 10 laps side stroke, 10 laps back stroke, 10 laps breast stroke (she doesn't know how to do butterflies)

5 rounds: heavy bag drills (speed and power every 30 seconds) 5 rounds: mitt work (focusing on speed and power) 3 rounds burpees: 30secs burpees, 30secs shadow boxing then switch) Intense full abdominal workout: slow and controlled movements (75reps each exercise)

Friday: 45 MINUTES
She does one of my recommended non- boxing routines from my Train Like a Boxer e-book: How to Achieve a Leaner and Stronger Body with Limited Time, Space and Equipment. (Lawrence@trainlikeaboxer.com to request your copy TODAY).

Saturday: REST

Sunday: Angela plays in a recreational softball league (she says she kicks butt); tennis during the winter.

As you can see, no workout is the same in a week. This is one sample workout and the routines after each week change per Angela's request to KEEP IT FRESH! The result? A leaner and stronger body!

About the Author
Lawrence Ragos is a Certified Boxing Trainer and the director of the Train Like a Boxer Program--- a boxing training system focusing on intense strength and conditioning workouts. His DVD Series and FREE ebook are available in his official website, www.trainlikeaboxer.com

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