We can learn so many valuable lessons from this movie that we can apply to our own lives:
First, we see the value of support. Every person, in order to succeed, needs the support of those around them. The famous quotation, "No man is an island" encapsulates this idea perfectly. Michael needed the love and support of his foster family and his teammates to boost his morale-and we saw how this worked wonders on him.
The value of determination and perseverance were also highlighted in this movie. Michael was a shining example of this in the movie during the times when he was just being taught football, and the times when he was trying to do good in his academics. His determination and perseverance kept him from giving up.
Michael had to endure major adjustments in his lifestyle because of the drastic changes he experienced. His new training routine, for instance, instilled in him discipline that brought out the best in him as an athlete. This applies to all of us when it comes to achieving goals.
All the values I talked about above are all essential in achieving one's goals. For those of us who want to keep fit and healthy, it's not just about the physical training, it is also about conditioning our minds to reach our goal. In Train Like A Boxer, we provide you training that will surely help you achieve your fitness goals, and will also condition and keep your mind in focus. More importantly, I can assure you that you have my 110% support. After all, Train Like A Boxer is more than just a fitness program, it's a lifestyle.
Don't be BLIND-SIDED! But rather, BE GUIDED! Get the TRAIN LIKE A BOXER INTENSE WORKOUTS DVD at www.trainlikeaboxer.com